Originally Posted by HaShaliach
Excellent points! Why not? What happened to tent meetings, meeting in barns, homes, unused buildings, and yes, even outside? There are some oneness organizations that even mandate their ministers wear robes. So why do we need to spend (who know how much) for a general conference when it really isn't necessary - especially with the level of technology that we have today? Need a conference - how about a fellowship meeting with those other churches in the same general area - the one some pastors will not allow their assembly to even associate with (same organization)?
The point is how do we serve Christ and his body of believers by spending so much money on buildings, religious trappings, creature comforts, etc., when so many are going without the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, shelter, medical support, etc.)? Whatever happened to the priorities of service and worship that Jesus commanded? Paul held his final local conference at Miletus with the elders from Ephesus finished up aboard a ship!
I guess this subject just caught me in a 'hot spot'. To see hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent on frills, clothes, dining, the buying and selling of books and trinkets, and the building up monuments to man, when the desperate stand at the gate with hands outstretched, just hurts my heart. To personally see a $5,000 a month church mortgage (plus related building expenses) taking the church resources, when a widow can't get her roof fixed. Or a 78 year old man is having to work part time jobs because when he pays his living expenses and tithes to the pastor, he doesn't have enough money left over to eat on for the rest of the month.I personally know this man and his situation!
Correction: No, this misuse of church resources does not hurt my heart - it make me downright angry!
So, if my zeal is misplaced and excessive, I apologize.