There are 4-5 threads on this page where the discussion is framed by political correctness more than biblical morality.
Example. The thread on the gay that committed suicide. The biggest sin according to political correctness is violation of privacy rights. It wasn't about the sodomite relationship and fornication.
The discussion of Eddie Long and down low is strongly slanted toward political correctness and it's cousin "tolerance" We must be tolerant in every way with alternative lifestyles and sexual misconduct.
The next cousin is diversity. Diversity issues of a detrimental nature exploded after Charles Darwin wrote: Origin of a Species
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
He of course said the savage races were less evolved. The politically correct crowd is anxious to call some one a bigot.
Eric Holder called us "a nation of cowards," and as much as it pains me, I agree (don't tell anyone!). His use of "coward" is telling because not only is it politically incorrect, but it describes what politically correct citizens become. We are cowards, both in our discussion of race, as he specified, and our discussion of life... When it comes to truth, we shrink from dialogue, cowering beneath "tolerance" as a personal badge.
Christians are pressured to be cowards and NOT express biblical observations about Muslims because it shows lack of tollerance. Tolerance is the high moral virtue.
Evil thrives under political correctness.