Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I know that there has been a lot said but this thing with Bishop Long will really affect the ministry and the Churches here in Metro Atlanta. They have over 30,000 members just in the main church and have many other churches around Atlanta with thousands of members in them.
When the class action suits were filed against Bishop Earl Paulk and many other ministers names were a part of that, it really hurt the Body of Christ here. Then the Crazy Juanita Bynum - Thomas Weeks mess was such a horrible stench here. Now we have this. It is NOT FUNNY and should not be taken lightly. There are many thousands of people that will be affected by this.
Please PRAY for The Long Family - he does has a wife and four children. He has hundreds on his staff and they all have families. This will impact a LOT of people.
Pray for the New Birth Family and all the daughter churches here in Atlanta and other parts of the nation and other nations. Pray for these young men and their families. I am asking you guys to sincerely pray that God will do a work in all their lives and that somehow God will turn it around and that a Revival of Holiness and Separation from the world will come out of this.
The News media are following these young men around and hounding them day and night to get a story out of it. They followed one all the way to Colorado and coerced him into a statement late one night this week. They only put the edited parts on TV and you know TV reporters can't tell the truth for anything! Its all about ratings and money. I don't believe ANYTHING I hear on the news - especially CNN.
I hate what has happened and I have wept all week because what we need is some strong leaders to stand up and preach HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD! I am not talking about a UPC dress code - but true HOLINESS of the heart that changes a persons life!
Thanks for taking this to heart and praying for all involved.
There we have it. Holiness means separate from the world. When we do things that even the world sees as grotesque, it hurts innocent people.
If you are called to teach ,preach or other service, there are certain things you don't do because it would hurt your testimony.
Correct on the media. That is a risk most likely explained to the youths. The minute you claim there is a sex crime, the cameras come after you.