Originally Posted by rgcraig
Well, he's a month ahead of Mattie, but she is just starting to make little noises (like the video last Sun) when you talk to her. It's like she wants to talk so bad, but all she can do is coo a little. I did notice this weekend that she's following people really good and she watches her animals going around when she's in her swing. Like you said, so fun to watch them discovery and learn!
Cooing is not what this boy is doing. He's just loud! LOL! I've never heard a baby this loud in all my life. LOL!
I told my daughter that he is like his grandpa. I remember when we first were married, I told him, "You are the loudest man I have ever met."

I think it's because he's around noise all day. He gets nervous if it's quiet when he is home. I love when he works overtime - it's so quiet right now. I can barely hear the ceiling fan turning - heaven!