The Nazi party started with book burning. In your own church history when the Catholic Church burned Hess' writings (and Hess too as an added bonus) it kicked off the Hessian wars.
The people who are mad are not "frenzied maniacs". The russians (remember the big red storm? LOL) figured out what would happen when the average afghan got mad at them, banded together, and ran them right out of their country.
We spent trillions of dollars protecting ourselves from the russians. Remember how close it was? All of the US, all of Europe, was afraid of a Russian invasion. Yet those Afghan villagers ran them right out of their country when we were afraid to directly face them anywhere.
All they need is something to rally the people around and they will run right over our troops. We are not Russia. We're farther away and our supply chain is thousands of miles longer. I do not want to see what will happen if the average Afghan family man decides that what we are doing is against what he and his family believe and they all turn on us in their streets. They are barely convinced that we are good people anyway. Why give them a reason to believe otherwise?
Our generals know and they are concerned. Their concern I believe is for good reason and I hope to god our alliance does not turn on our people in their streets.
Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway
This a FEW (maybe a hundred+?) frenzied Christian maniacs compared to millions of Muslim frenzied maniacs! Also, as far as I know, nobody has been executed or car bombed by this Christian maniac group! Don't expect the same from the Muslims!