Originally Posted by Felicity
We lived for a few years on a country lane where there were few houses. The road was basically a dead end and ended at a lodge/camp type of affair. There were no street lights past our house.
I used to walk down that road a LOT. It was beautiful - especially in the winter after a fresh snowfall. I used to walk it occasionally at night with only moon and stars lighting the way. I loved the quietness, hearing the crunch of snow under my boots and the air so crisp and clean. And in the winter you didn't have to worry much about meeting anything remotely dangerous.
I certainly wouldn't do that here I can tell you. It wouldn't be animals I'd be worried about either -- but people!
You had street lights? I lived with my great uncle and his wife when I was 14 and they lived way out in the woods. I loved those piney woods where the pine needles blanketed the ground so there was no underbrush and your vision was clear.
I had kinfolk that didn't have running water or electricity and you felt like you stepped back in time when you went to visit them. It was certainly such a different life and I would imagine that kids nowadays wouldn't know what to do without the luxuries we have today.
We would spend hours just running around and playing. We never needed video games or any store bought toys to have fun.