Google Research help
I've been offered a temporary job doing research for a company. The pay is pretty good for a temporary job. The problem is that they don't really train you. They just give you a list of information to research, and you're pretty much on your own. They're having a bit of turn-over because people are having difficulty finding the info they need.
What they are researching is the square footage of certain buildings, or even parts of the building. For instance, hospitals, churches, etc. I think it's research for a real estate company. So, they give you an address of a facility, and you're supposed to find all of the pertinent info on the building.
That's all I really know about the job right now. I'm going in tomorrow for a sample test to see how I do on it. The lady doing the hiring said she tried the test and quit in frustration.
So, just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to find this type of info via Google. It would be a perfect job for me, since I enjoy researching, and I only want something temporary. But, I need to know how to research this type of info!