Digging4Truth (and others who may be interested) -
Some of the most memorable sermons - that had impact on lives - were those where the word was read, followed by a translation/interpretation of specific key words from the original language into English, then a rereading of the scripture in the expended format. Then to have the passage placed in its proper context and then, and perhaps most importantly, the relevance of that passage applied to the lives of believers.
Of course, there is no such thing as a 'stand a lone' verse in the Bible, even though we love to make it seem that there are, in many of our sermons. But, like the body of Christ, every verse in the Bible hangs together on other verses, a precept built upon a precept, and each line of scripture is built up upon yet another line, and all support additional precepts and lines of scripture. For what purpose?
So that the body of Christ might be built up "... as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, ..." (
1 Peter 2:5)
The problem for preachers/teachers who desire to teach the word of God and present it for the edification and nourishment of the body, is that not many are willing to receive it.
For that observation come the pull to make the service more lively (entertaining), less strenuous in the study, and to leave everyone with a 'good feeling', rather than with a conviction concerning another area in one's life that needs to improved upon or even to be surrendered to Christ. It is a case of identifying the 'lukewarm' Christians and separating them out from those who are either cold or hot for Christ - and ministering to where each of these groups are. Can one man do all that is required of such a task? Most likely not.
Each congregational leader(s) must decide how the word needs to be shared (taught/presented) - when, where, and in what format, for was illustrated in the book of Revelation, not all local bodies are identical, face the same challenges or require the same correction(s).
Even so, we must also keep in mind that each individual is being built up and fitted into the living house of God (which is the corporate body of Christ on earth). Sometimes we get caught up in keeping our focus on our local assembly, which is appropriate, but frequently neglecting the relationship we have with the rest of the 'one' body, 'one' Christ, 'one' faith, and 'one' Spirit that we all have a share in.
While it is very difficult, even as it was for Jesus, sometimes we must allow those who reject the Christ and the good news, to go their own way, even if it is to leave the local assembly and its fellowship. Sometimes folks have done as Jesus suggested: Count the costs. Some will count the cost and think the price is too high. Some will not bother to do any counting at all, just the idea of not getting a 'free ride' is too much for them.
So, my friend, feed the sheep and allow the goats to graze as they will.