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View Poll Results: Rush Limbaugh: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down
Thumbs Up 20 62.50%
Thumbs Down 12 37.50%
Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-25-2010, 02:32 PM
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notofworks notofworks is offline
Ravaged by Grace

Join Date: Sep 2009
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Rush Limbaugh...Thumbs Up or Down?

Yes, I defend Pelosi, Obama, and Reid. But I am and have always been more of a conservative than anything else, but I do agree with liberals on a few issues. I defend those three because of their office and the biblical instruction to pray for them and because there is never one instance of the early church trying to get their way through the political system. It is impossible to legislate righteousness and because of that, I really don't give a hoot who is in office. My mission is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not jumping all over liberal Democrats.

So....something that has amazed me since he hit the scene is the way Christians, and pentecostals in particular, worship the almighty Rush Limbaugh. AQP's list made me think of this. You'd think Rush sits on the right hand of God. There are a LOT of Christians who set their lives by him.

WHY??? Even though I agree with much of what he says, he's often mean-spirited, occasionally borders on racism, constantly negative, uses language that many of you folks would slap your kids for using, preaches family values but has never been able to sustain one, and the list goes on and one.

So the simple poll question here is: Rush Limbaugh...thumbs up or thumbs down? Please vote, and if it's ok, I'm including the voters IDs.
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