Originally Posted by JN Anderson
I was on the forum too and the story you tell is not true Wayne. It's a lie. You are using what seemingly God has done with you as your validation. Simon the sorcerer could do tricks and draw a crowd, was probably good at manipulating the audience as well. The point is if you claim to be Apostolic then it means more than just numbers.
First of all - YOU Mr Anderson were the instigator of the problem and were so critical of me and others that I was asked to stop posting after a few hours on AMF. I was not banned - I was just asked to leave and I did gladly! Then, I was asked to return - which I quickly DECLINED! You guys are just game players and how childish can you get?
Mr. Anderson, you never did answer that question - How many repented, were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost in your ministry in May and June? How many this year? Come on now - give us some
Apostolic results!
That was when I was asked to leave - when I asked that question - so - you should be a happy little camper sitting up there high in the bleachers.
And I do not appreciate your snide disrespect of me or any ministry. Its people like you that sit around and are critical of ministry while you sit around all day and go fishing years back for post from people and try to tear them down. Really brilliant!
I will continue to preach, pray, prophesy, heal the sick, cast out devils and see the altars filled while you complain and try to keep everyone that is not in your little box from entering your little forum. Why don't you go back to your little AMF box and hate everyone from there!
I never left Apostolic Truth. Since 1982 I have preached the Revelation of Jesus Christ and have always baptized every person in 60 nations I have preached in - In the name of Jesus Christ and seen tens of thousands fillled with the Holy Ghost.
Mr. Anderson - what is your beef with me - put it out here - I want to know what your problem with me is! You have basically called me a liar along with your other little buddy - so - what is the deal? Really - come on and let us all know!
And one more thing - What did you say when you baptized all those new converts in the past few months?