Originally Posted by Barb
But whom did you accuse of making the sweeping generalization?! ME!! I did no such thing...I was referring to myself...mercy, Prax...
Sweeping generalizations happen ALL the time on this board. Most of you are guilty though you won't admit it. You probably don't intend it either, but you guys still do it. And it gets OLD. We are NOT all like that. I happen to go to a pretty moderate church. I have had very close dear friends leave the UPC and I saw that some folks did that to them and some did not.
It gets tiring to have people here lump us ALL into the same mold and then condescendingly pretend we are denying there is any such attitude at all and are deluded. Quite frankly I can see very often the shoe is on the other foot and the deluded ones are in fact themselves quite blind