Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The GOP was the majority in Congress from 2000 -2006, the season where my fellow conservatives responded in fear and enacted at least two "laws" that invaded privacy and abused liberties.
Pel, this is the truth.
However, my point in all of this is this: by and large the federal government is needed and its finanial support IS ESSENTIAL to many aspects of our society.
This is a fact that many conservatives on the Gulf Coast realize. Not that they did not realize before, they do realize it now.
It is ironic-- a political party that beats horses dead about government intrusion and privacy is the party that has produced the most easily abused laws that would lead to civil liberty intrusions in recent American history.
Yet, it is the Democrats who are for, "Big Gub'ment"-- they just want all yer money!
It's a tired daitribe, but people buy into it over and over....
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Good night Pel.
Real lame JD. Just where does the Federal government get this magical money that everyone wants?
You're such a liberal and Lefty that you don't even know the answer to that question.
No offense Bro, but you have not shown the knowledge nor the human experience to even be engaged in these discussions. Your rants and frequent posts in this area are embarrassing. Get up to speed!
Where does the Federal government get its funding?
What would happen if the amount of that funding were reduced and local governments, businesses and individuals were allowed to wield this kind of power in their own lives?
There is a role for the Feds, but suckling at it's teats while it draws down your children's bank accounts isn't going to be a viable role for the long term.