Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Basically, he has voted to allow law enforcement to do their jobs. I don't think that necessarily means that he would personally report illegal aliens or worse, kick them out of the congregation.
The way the new law will be implemented from the "practical" standpoint is in the words of the law that you "bolded" above... "... when practical..."
There will be no roundups, no mass raids by local law enforcement, no mass arrests of Hispanics "going out for ice cream." This new law was intended only as window dressing and to send a message. It's opponents don't like the message and have benefited politically from the crime and chaos at the border.
There just might, however, be an occasion when a dangerous killer is stopped and the cops have nothing developed yet to pin on the guy and warrant holding him further. However, if the killer is in the country illegally, Arizona law enforcement now has a tool that they can use to hold the bad guys until more information comes in and a case can be made that can be taken to a judge.
On the whole, this new law will make life safer for the Hispanics ("legal," "illegal," and even the US citizens!) of the Southwest. Until you've actually spent some time looking down the barrel of a gun, or had your loved ones held at gunpoint, it's hard to see the most practical aspects of this legislation.