05-10-2010, 02:53 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 5,178
Re: Ministries for women porn addicts
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
No, I'm not really comparing apples to oranges. Role playing has roots in places like Corinth and into Playboy. HUH?????????
Looking "sexy" for a spouse doesn't have to include "role playing". Doesn't HAVE to
What I am trying to say is that we need to be careful on advising or encouraging couples what is "okay" or "innocent" in their marriage. Too argue that we cannot be right if we disagree. If anything, we need to encourage liberty to couples in marriages. That's what I find. Dark views about sexuality. Repressed fantasies. Let it loose! Have fun! God gave you a partner for these sweet, illicit day dreams.
Some couples may need to leave things in their past as it only incites a lust they wanted to leave behind. Okay... like what? A lust that is not healthy in a marriage and only opens doors that need to be left shut. If this lust is directed toward my spouse? I think we just need to see that side of it when we discuss what we all feel is important for every couple.
One couple may view that as so innocent they cannot conceive that anything could be wrong it in. Another couple may view that as a door they dare not touch and they dare not open. Romans 14 applies here. If you are condemned by your conscience, then don't do it. Easy as that. Most of the time, though, this "condemnation" is from the way this subject was taught and ingrained in a person for years and years.