Originally Posted by TheLegalist
Sounds like a deterministic form of faith... "a regenerated person WILL CONTINUE" See the Bible talks about slothful servants, and also those who don't continue and fall away. As usual reformed dogma forces only TWO options(regenerated or unregenerated) instead of what the Bible teaches.
Again you said "Repentance to me has to be almost instantaneous after new birth" sorry but you clearly are Calvinistic in your teaching on this. Repentance to you is AFTER salvation. Thus not necessary to be saved. Your view does not allow one to count the cost. Does not allow one to reason. Does not allow one to cast off his life in choice to follow. You have saved people never even choosing covenant.
You are right that the bible talks about those who will fall away. But lets be honest. We have no way of knowing who is regenerate and who is not. Our only proof that someone is regenerate is what we see over the long term. If we see that they fall away never to return or repent then we can safely say that they weren't born again.
I have seen people who I thought were great spiritual leaders that have completely fallen away. Looking back over the years I now remember certain behavior and actions that supported the argument they might have never been truly saved. They were just living under law and performing the works that they were expected to perform.
Of course at the time these minor behaviors occurred everyone gave them the benefit of the doubt because in our immaturity we thought that they were saved. Truthfully the warning signs were there all along and anyone outside the UPC or our circle could easily see.
My wife didn't grow up UPC and she could spot these people a mile off. I would always be horrified when she would question leaders or certain "spiritual giants" but one by one every single one of those people have fallen.
My hope and prayer is that they will repent before it is to late and that they will truly be born again.