Have got a young preacher at my house that is working with Jews and he handed me these questions today. Thought some of you all might have some good thoughts to help him.
QUESTOES A SER TRATADA Questions to be answered
1) A Bíblia fala sobre uma morada no céu, segundo os Judeus ninguém vai morar no céu. Pois o céu e o trono de Deus.
The Bible speaks about a home in heaven but according to the Jews no one will live in heaven for it is God’s throne.
2) Sobre o trono de Deus e o do Cordeiro.
Why does the Bible speak about the throne of God and of the Lamb?
3) Sobre a descida da Nova Jerusalém.
What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the New Jerusalem coming down?
4) Segundo os Judeus dizem que o trono que Jesus vai assentar vai ser o de Davi, mas segundo a Bíblia o trono de Davi esta estabelecido na cidade de Jerusalém.
According to the Jews Jesus will sit on David’s throne but according to the Bible the throne of David is established in Jerusalem.
5) O reino de Deus será aqui ou não.
Will the kingdom of God be here on earth?