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Old 01-21-2010, 07:28 AM
DAII DAII is offline
Freedom@apostolicidentity .com

Join Date: Dec 2009
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Re: DKB Shares His Vision: Apostolic Identity,

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
Thanks for the clarification, PO. And, I can see how your dentist friend would be discouraged by the social drinking in a church, I've always found that to be a bit of an incongruence, but then again, I'm thinking of things from my conservative point of reference. Either way, I wouldn't disagree with her assessment based on that issue.

And, you are right, the same people exist in our world, whether they are Apostolic, Charismatic, Baptist, Catholic, etc - there are some committed, and some not so much. We should not judge any group on the actions of a few, but unfortunately, we do, and that's what makes the old "This group is good because Bro. Bob is good, or this group is bad because Bro. Jim is bad" argument null and void. We can all find extreme examples in each group to prove our point. I suppose that is why I'm so sensitive to broad brush statements, and I appreciate the healthy discussion.

I find it interesting that, as your article references, many, if not most, organized churches are experiencing diminishing attendance. I've noticed on television lately, there are a series of commercials entitled "Catholics Come Home" and they feature people who tell of their experiences and reasons for leaving the Catholic church, and how miserable they were, and how glad they are that they are back. Lets me know that it's not just the Protestant movement that is feeling the downturn.

Also, to the comment about people backsliding in America, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it has not as much to do with the power in the churches as it has to do with the prosperity in the nation. If these folks come from countries that have no professional sports, no leisure activities, and no money to attend them even if they existed, it could well be a contributing factor when they come to a country with 500 channels on basic cable, more to do OUTSIDE the church that inside the church, and money with which to indulge these pleasures. Just a thought.

And, I haven't been around here very much lately, so I will concede that maybe I've missed some threads, but at least on this thread, I haven't seen anyone trying to convince anyone to leave the UPCI. I've only seen people discuss the validity of an organizational position. The nastiest posts I've seen on this thread have come from an ultracon, defending the position. And, to be honest, my experience is that there is just as much pressure from those still in the mothership placed on those who have left as the other way around.

Either way, I enjoyed the discussion, thanks!

Sherri's church, Grace Church ... among "Charismatic" churches that speak against social drinking ....

While Elder Epley thinks wine at communion is fine ... There was a time that biblically .... this breaking of bread and wine was a "social" fellowship event.

Those who find excuses will find excuses for going to any church ... and those seeking to prop up their church or org will often resort to fingerpointing as well.
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