Okay, Mr. Cox. This is me dropping the humor and being serious.
You are right to stand firm on the doctrine that was put into your heart as a child, and from reading the Word. You shouldn't move from that, unless you find in some way that, according to scripture, God wants you to go in a different direction.
When I was a kid, we weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas, and my Dad drilled into me how evil it was. That was one of the things I dropped when I got married, because I never agreed with it, I never agreed with his interpretation of history, and I didn't see the harm in it. It isn't always wrong to lay aside something your parents taught, but I wouldn't do it without a lot of thought and making sure I could do it with a clear conscience.
My rule of thumb has been--if something bothers me, I don't do it. Even if logically I think it's okay, because I don't want to walk around feeling condemned or nervous.
Here's where you're hitting a brick wall with people on this forum, though--the measure you have for yourself and the measure you have for others should NOT be the same. You can be as strict with yourself as you want, but with OTHER people, you can only be as strict as the WORD allows. No one has the right to judge outside of God's Word. Doing so is stepping outside of "righteous judgment" and stepping into God's shoes.
You have to strike a balance between being true to God and to your own convictions, and allowing other people the liberty to do that as well. Leave it to God to judge whether they are right or wrong, and leave it to Him to lead them where He wants them to go. One of the biggest lessons to learn--one that requires maturity--is learning to agree to disagree, and parting as friends.
You'll find that if you treat people respectfully and don't make assumptions about their character, lifestyle or personal beliefs (let THEM tell you what they believe or don't believe), that you will have some very fruitful and enjoyable conversations. Also, integrity matters here. Speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Don't fudge anything.