~Church Off the Hook this weekend~
We had a Youth/Church Explosion this weekend. Spread out over 3 services, we had between 15-20 people receive the Spirit, we bapitzed over 19 people and many were healed/delivered.
My oldest Son received the HG.
The last service we had over 140 people, children had to sit on the floor. I was stunned and in awe and what happened. Our Guest Speaker who travels widely was stunned as well, when the Spirit fell, most if not all received the HG in less than 5 minutes. We both commented that this usually only happens overseas in our experience. Anyway enjoying the latter Rain.
Those who are on Facebook, I posted Pictures.
God be the Glory!
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.