Originally Posted by pelathais
There was considerable expense by a lot of different angencies chasing that thing. If the parents knew the boy wasn't in there they should pony up for the whole tab.
I know for a fact that those television "Wife Swap" millions all have loads of cash - what with their fancy lobster dinners and trendy top hats...
Have personal knowledge, do ya?
I suspect that ALL those reality shows are directed towards people whom
have a need for ATTENTION as well as money EVERYONE could use a
little more cash, after all., but what people DO for it, is somethin else.
There was even a show about that if I'm not mistaken.
I think that ,HONESTLY its about
"What are people willing to RISK/GIVE UP for such attention OR simply,
for money"? Good question I think that we all need to ask ourselves.
I have. We will ALL be tested one day.