True and uncompromising SEPARATION???
I was reading today about how folks in the bible put on sackloth when they were of a repentant state or when they were mourning.
It occurred to me, why on earth wouldn't the A-church adopt a separation policy for ALL A-saints with regard to true separation to wear clothing made of sackloth? Instead we are allowed to wear worldly clothing like Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Versace, DK, etc.
At least you wouldn't have to worry about the homosexuals and whoremongers designing and making every aspect of the garments you are allowed to wear under the current rules...ooops, strike that...conditions of separation vis-a-vis the A-church definition of standards/holiness.
Like I said before, I invite someone to prove that I am wrong, folks in the church will and can never be as physically separated from the world as they purport to be or as separated as they would like...even Billy Price has that problem much to his chagrin...