Does Jesus (God) Lack Understanding?
One of the main credentials in marriage counseling is, experience. Nothing can replace the everyday example of living life with another human being within the confines of marriage. If the lack of experience could suffice, the young would counsel the old.
In some specific situations, this might work, but for the most part we seek those who have been "Down that road".
Marriage is the main reason we are on this planet. The fact is, we go where we can find a mate, PERIOD! People who live the single life are few and far between. And, even those who stay single, still seek sex (a mate). All the years I've been in church, I've noticed when people are alone for too long, they will go elsewhere to satisfy this "Need".
My concern with Jesus (God in flesh/Christianity/The God of the Bible) is why was this experience avoided? Why would the Lord avoid the main reason of why we are here? Does God even understand what we go through? I know that Jesus was here for a divine purpose, but to know us, shouldn't you be one of us? What can compare to this: Living with another human being, every day, raising children, providing, in sickness, in sadness, sex (good and bad), all for a lifetime. Nothing is harder! Nothing requires more discipline! Nothing compares to this commitment!
Think about it; God made us, creating us to mate. Not only did He make us with this desire, it is our MAIN desire! It's why we are here. It is also the number ONE problem in the world. Nothing compares to broken families, broken children, and sex out of control. We can beat the age old drum of, "We need to pray for self control, and the strength to be holy here", but friends, this isn't working! The Church today is full of marital/sexual conflict; FULL!
My cry to the Lord is an honest one! Lord, do you understand us???? Have you been married?? Do you have a sexual desire??? Have you had a wife and children, and do you know the pain of working things out, everyday, for a lifetime, in a body bound by a desire that only another can satisfy? Does the pain of watching my children, who came from my loins, raising them for over 25 years in this Faith, only to see thier marriage fail, reach you?
My tears are many!