Originally Posted by Michlow
Hi Roxie
Yes, I am a member of HIS body, not the UPC's body. Not a Pastor's body. Not a local congregations body. But Jesus' body. And I seem to be desperately looking for other members. But everyone I find seems to be pledged to a man or an organization.
I believe your understanding is wrongly being influenced by things other than those that are Godly and righteous, and this is causing you much unnecessary conflict in your attempt to walk with Jesus.
Here's how simple little redneck me figures the equation works:
I am a member of the body of Christ, having been by that one Spirit been baptized into this one body. I have been set in His body as He has willed, and for now, His will is that I am joined together with likeminded believers to advance the work of His kingdom. I have been given a pastor, an overseer, a bishop, a watchman on the walls, to feed me, direct me (and the rest of the local body to which I belong) in the ways of the Lord, to reprove, rebuke, exhort me with all longsuffering and doctrine, as needed. I have been joined with fellowlaborers who have different roles in the body than I do, yet all of these blend together to create a unit that can minister to itself and to others not yet a part, in ways that I never could all by my lonesome. This local assembly is currently affiliated with the Oregon District UPCI. This is not a problem to me, rather, it means that, beyond my local assembly, there is a collection of other assemblies who are of the same mind and purpose, and I can gather together with them from time to time for fellowship. But, above all, and through all, I am a member of His body, and have a direct and personal relationship with Jesus, and thus am striving to be like Him, which is a full time work.