Originally Posted by staysharp
Yes, this has been his teaching for many years. He preached years ago at MS campmeeting (I know, I was there) he said he was on an airplane and saw himself sitting on the wing smiling at him...it was his angel and he knew he was gonna be ok. He worships angels. The entire message in Memphis was about how the angels follow him.
He also said that many strange this have been happening to him since he was 'raised" from the dead. He failed to mention the months he stayed in ICU...
I've lost all respect for his ministry.
ss .just curious why did you put quotes around raised from the dead vis vi ls ?its my understanding that he was clinicaly dead when his accident happened . he was raised by an almighty imo with the help of the professionals that God created and gave the talents too. so was my youngest daughter {saved from death} as a matter of fact one of the doctors asked if i would pray with him, as he would with me, because he said i can do nothing without him. but i can do anything with him. i to this day have no knowledge of his experience with God . ps i havent read all 33 post categories maybe you already answered this