Originally Posted by EVAunit01
Read my reply at the very bottom of page 1.
That chapter has nothing to do with legitimizing torture. Only when taken grossly out of context can it be used to support a pro-torture viewpoint. If we took that same interpretation of Ecclesiastes 3 would would have to say that there is a time for murder, rape and blasphemy.
Are all these things legitimate because the Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time for all things? If torture is different, then how and why is it different?
You have a good point.
Because who America says she is, we are to do all we can to keep our reputation above reproach.
That being said, sometimes in war, somethings are necessary.
Maybe water boarding was never necessary from the beginning. I am not sure.
One thing I have formulated an opinion on is this: I do not consider water boarding to be torture.
Whether or not it was effective in its purpose is for other folks to discuss.