Standing Up
I just read the post about that cat named Smith, the preacher who bashed this forum, and then the other one who started cracking on standards.
Has anyone ever tried to call a pumped preacher out during a service. I mean, we shout (not me) when a pumped evangelist says something that we like, but what about when he goes over board and starts on something that is ridiculous? Has anyone ever spoke out when there were tongues but no interpretation. Some people speak in tongues at the church I go to like every Sunday and there is no interpretation, so we are left in the dark. When there is tongues, I pray for interpretations but I just get riddles and phrases that can be applied to anyone. When God wanted to talk to Saul (Paul), He called him by name and there were witnesses. Not so nowadays. What's up with that?
What would happen If we spoke up?