Originally Posted by mfblume
Did you call that rabbi yet?
Elder Blume I did google and read many articles and yes many support your theory. But in reading those articles I noticed a common thread actually two:1. the want of acceptance with their peers thus the race idea they think distances them.
2. The underlying fear a Hitler could happen again.
But I did notice several rebutt your theory and I will give you 2
Rabbi Azi Enkin about.comjudaism
Rabbi Isreal Meir Lau judaism 101
There were many others. Particularly older writings.
However the fear and memory of holocast is very real to these people I do understand their mentality never again thus the theory you are purporting.
But my question is You and Elder Burk are brilliant men no one has denied this particularly myself and if I saw the thread in these articles how could y'all not have seen them? Are you so blinded by your theory or are you willingly ignorant?