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Old 05-09-2009, 11:23 AM
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Still Figuring It Out.

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Everyone here should know by now that I am not a qualified teacher of God's word. I am only a "serious student" of the Word.

James 3:1 ¶ Be not many of you teachers (a), my brethren, knowing that we shall receive (1) heavier judgment. (a) masters [KJV]. (1) Gr greater)

However, I am prepared to show a slightly different path of study, for those who are interested.

There is a place and a role for the Law to play in our lives. We can find it if we will just read the Bible with a little understanding, rather than interpreting it through our doctrinal filters. This approach is necessary because no doctrine of man (created by and through his own reasoning) is without error. Therefore, once the doctrinal filters are firmly in place, further "clear revelation" from God and His word is very difficult to receive. For example, it is an established fact that one is not to receive a "new revelation" concerning God unless it is (1) also revealed in the scriptures or (2) does not conflict (or contradict) scripture. These rules are good and necessary. But, if one is blind to the written word of scripture, then all further revelation - based on that word - is also lost to the reader. Because of this human failing, religious wars have been fought.

When studying (not casual or general reading) the Bible, two of the important rules to keep in mind are (1) keep a good language lexicon (not a dictionary) handy and (2) a copy of a good original language Bible text. The purpose is to investigate the original meanings of the key words in each passage. I can discuss this requirement in a little more detail, later.

The truth? We cannot separate the law and being in obedience to it from grace and "freedom from the law". They are two sides of the same coin, i.e. without the law, grace has no meaning. Without grace, the law is without mercy and justice cannot be served.

So, the entire issue around tithing that has been discussed on this thread, in addition to being a question concerning the cleaning up of false doctrines, it is symptomatic of how we all (every one of us) frequently fail to correctly divide the word of truth.

While I have yet a very long way to go in this study, I am willing to share some of the material I have gleaned so far.

The study can be generally understood in terms of: What is the Law of God and what role or function does is it to play in the lives of Christians?

This study is the integration of three different on-going studies.

What is the Law of God and how is that law reflected in the seven (even eight) covenants made between God and man.

Looking behind the veil of the law, a study of Mathew, chapters five through seven.

The limits placed on the law and of grace.

While I am still working on these studies, I cannot forecast how long it will take - or even the direction it will go, or the final conclusions that I will draw from the study(ies). But, that is the wonder of a Bible study based on the word and on the Spirit, rather than on predefined doctrines and organizational dogma.

Most likely I will conduct the open portion of this study on my own site - and every one is welcome to monitor it there. I will conduct it there because I have already made a couple of false starts in posting a few thoughts already, and there has been some interest in joining such a study by a couple of folks from other forums. In this way, I can just post everything once, rather than all over the Internet! Joining the community is an option for posting questions and comments, but member ship is not required to audit the study.

We do request a real name however, to help weed out spammers (we get 2-6 per day). If anyone wishes to join and has a concern about using a real name - PM me for arrangements.

For every one else - you will not be missing out on very much! Just the rambling of an old mountain man.
That is a well worded and very valuable post.

My journey on the tithe issue started out about 5 years ago. The tithe has always been taught to me all my life and I practiced it. About 5 years ago we traveled from one state to another to visit with friends and my daughter was taught in the SS class that if you didn't pay the tithe you would go to hell.

Now... I have had the tithe taught... and I think it is a wonderful example... but I have never heard it taught that, without it, you would burn in hell.

When we got back home our very own pastor taught the same thing. This was beginning to get disturbing. Now... I was paying tithes so that wasn't the issue.

The issue was this sudden onslaught of "pay your tithes or burn in hell" statements. So all of this prompted me to do a study.

I was surprised to discover many of the things I discovered in my study.

1. (Spoken very quietly as to not stir up NFS) The tithe was on the increase of land & cattle etc. One might plant seed and might water... but God gives that increase and 10% of that increase belongs to him. Ones compensation for their labor is not an increase. Never has been. I find no reference where fishermen ever even tithed. Now... If I owned a fish farm... then one might consider the tithe because now you are starting off with a set amount and God is giving the increase. etc.

2. I studied about the contemporaries of Malachi's time (I have a thread on the subject here) and found that Nehemiah was one such contemporary. I went to Nehemiah and read of the things he dealt with and was surprised to find a very solid correlation between what Nehemiah found in Jerusalem and what Malachi was dealing with. As a matter of fact... we all know that the one that would "purge the floor" is prophetic of Christ... But it makes me wonder if it did not also, in a contemporary sense at the time of the writing, refer to the coming of Nehemiah to set things straight in Jerusalem. The priests (who were not even supposed to handle the tithe except for their portion dealt to them by the Levites) were now handling the tithe completely. They had emptied the storehouse (where the tithe was stored) and had moved an Amalekite in (who were not even supposed to be allowed to be a part of the congregation). They had sent the Levites out and they were having to work in the field (which is what their portion of the tithe was to free them from) and there was commerce being undertaken on the sabbath.

Those who were stealing from God... were the priests. Cut and dried... pure and simple.

These and others things that I discovered in my study were quite an eye opener.

As I have said before... I pay my tithe. I especially make sure and do this since I make such a stand against the teaching of the tithe as a law. I feel that this is even more necessary since I make such a strong stand as the Bible says to live above reproach.

But the law is always lacking because of the weakness of man without God.

See... if you teach 10% or hell... then the poor little old lady (who, according to the law and the NT should be taken care of... not charged) will have to struggle to give her little 10%.

Others will find that 10% is about a right amount.

While a rich family can give 10% while their ability to give and bless others might be much higher.

Laws fall short. A spirit of giving reaches everyone where they are and compels them to give as God leads them.

What need is there to search for God's leading in giving if we have been given a cut and dried amount.

My rant isn't about the tithe. My rant is about the tithe being taught as a law required upon NT Saints. We are to give as the Lord lays it upon our heart and as we feel led. We are to give out of the abundance of our hearts... not out of an edict complete with threat of hell fire.
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