Originally Posted by NotforSale
c. 3000 - c. 2000 BC Development of Banking in Mesopotamia
Banking originates in Babylonia out of the activities of temples and palaces which provided safe places for the storage of valuables. Initially deposits of grain are accepted and later other goods including cattle, agricultural implements, and precious metals.
This is just a small bit of evidence, showing that the use of money as we know it today, doesn't even compare to that of yesterday. A paycheck, checking account, printing presses, coin factories, or money as we use today wasn't even a part of those in the day you are talking about.
They exchanged in bartering, agriculture, goods, precious metals, ect.
Brother... For most of the history of mankind precious metals WAS money. It is a recent event, historically speaking, that worthless paper was used as money. The first mention of money in the Bible comes before the first mention of the tithe. The first mention of money comes about 1/3 the way into the first book of the Bible. Money has been in use and has been discussed in the Bible from book one.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Quit using supposable facts to back your stance, when you do not present the facts about money and the economics of past civilizations. Tithing crops was the same as tithing our money today.
I'm not sure what a supposable fact is... but... as mentioned above... money is used, described and discussed from the very first book of the Bible.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Your hard line approach to avoid the Tithe is typical to those who don't want to share the load. You'll pay your taxes, but you won't pay God, only because the Law of the land says to do so. Oh, but when God puts a Law down, you fight it, because you LOVE money!
I'm being bold here because money is a huge crossroad for people. The rich young ruler went away from God's will, all because of his wealth. The man with full barns was called a fool. Christians today are doing the same thing. I'll serve you God, as long as you don't touch my pocketbook or my barns!
When will people realize, Churches are built upon the backbone of those who Tithe!!
Yes sir... you are being awfully bold. You are evil surmising. You are assuming that you know the thoughts and intents of my heart. You assume that I do not give at least 10% of my income. You are falsely accusing your brother.
yes sir... You certainly are being bold.
And yet still... 66 books....4000 years of history... with money being an object of discussion from the very beginning and there are no scriptures that mention money or a persons wage in relation to the tithe.
Every scripture that mentions the tithe speaks in agricultural terms. Even when the priests were mishandling the tithe and God called them thieves he said he would "open the windows of heaven". Look that phrase up. Every single time it is used in the Bible (Except for
Malachi 3 of course) it means rain.
There is not one leg to stand on with this stance exception assumptions and speculation.
And to think... I was able to make this large post without making some accusation about your character and without divining the very thoughts and intents of your heart in the process.