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Old 04-11-2009, 08:50 AM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: Do Your Kids Dress Like Bankers?

Hello MissB, usually I like a lot of the things you write, but on your last post I have to disagree. You definitely had a point about saving seats, in your last post, saving seats is normal, and if I went to a church event with my sister and she had to step out quick, of course I'd save her seat, so that's not so off. However, concerning clothing, you seemed to have to justify yourself, a lot, by going into detail as to what you wear, what it costs, ect... ect... And I find it interesting that what Sis. Lisa wrote bothered you so much.

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Well, I was in bed, but I had to get back up to post...again. This thread has actually been bothering me all afternoon. I thought and thought about it, and considered whether or not I'm full of pride, or maybe I care too much about how I present myself or how my kids present themselves, and here's the answer: No.

Edward, I don't know if you started this thread seriously, or just to be funny, but either way--it's bothersome. Do you realize how obsessed some of you are acting about other people's appearances????? To the point of judging other folks' character, motives and hearts by their outward appearance? Isn't that precisely what we want to avoid?
Judging is NOT something we are trying to avoid, but is a tool we have for weighing things and considering matters. It is fairly difficult to judge someone's character by their looks, but if you were in the middle of a UPC convention, and someone went in dressed like a goth or heavy metal rocker, wouldn't you judge them, and think, "They must be new, or they must have taken a wrong turn"? Also, if someone is dressed in very expensive clothing and looks prideful, some could judge that person to be proud, judging is normal, and the world is certainly going to judge us, and we don't want to give them any ammunition, whereby to speak evil of us.

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I am floored that anyone (Okay, LISA) would go to youth convention and spend even one second thinking negatively about the "fashion show." Go to the mall, for Pete's sake. The whole world is a fashion show, no matter whether it's casual or dressy--it's all just show. It's just appearance. Therefore--it's the least important to The Most Important.
This was the part that REALLY got me- whatever they do at the mall is of NO effect to us! The whole world may be a fashion show, but the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket, let it not be said of the church. Also, we do not know what is "least" important to the Most Important, so it is not best for us to think we know the mind of GOD.

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
So my question is this: Would I be wrong to look at all those Other Mothers and think that they had something to be ashamed of for dressing casual and making me feel out of place at the basketball game? Is it THEIR fault if I feel awkward in a skirt on the bleachers? (Which I don't, btw.) Or if I suddenly have a hankerin' to run down to Old Navy and buy a pair of jeans that hug my hiney in all the right (or wrong) places, so I can fit in, and look just like them? (Which I also don't, btw.) Do I stand by the wall and quiver at the thought of speaking to those Other Mothers who look so casual, and here I am in my business casual, which is normal dress for me, except when I'm gardening? Do I need to dress like them so I can feel comfortable enough to cheer for my girls?
This is completely different, you are drawing an example from the world again. Neither of you need to change how your dressed here- you are in covenant with GOD, and dress as a sister should, in a skirt, they are out of covenant with GOD, and dress as women in our modern day culture should, in jeans. However, when we go to a church event, we are all members of the Body of Christ, we are all in covenant, and there should be some understanding as to how we should dress, since it is somewhat important, ESPECIALLY around the youth, where immodest dress can lead to temptation, and extravagant dress can more easily lead to insecurity in our young people. MissB, you are an adult, who has gone through the adolescent craziness, and you are "comfortable in your own skin", most adolescents are not there yet. That doesn't mean we need to cater to these insecure people, but we should be careful to not offend our weaker brethren, and to consider the weaker ones among us.

I won't go through the rest of your post, but I figured the beginning was a good place to start.

Some of you know my views on dress standards, clothing, jewelry, ect... Some of you take a "no-jewelry" position, which is fine, however, mention of gold is extracted from 1 Peter 3, and then the putting on of apparel is not taken into consideration by some people. What does this "putting on of apparel" mean? It does not mean to never wear clothes, but it speaks to a moderation we should take in our clothing. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul talks about expensive clothing, and yes, expensive means different things to different people, but let's just continue to think on this "putting on of apparel" and "expensive clothing"... All this attention is given to "No jewelry, No makeup! No sleeves to such and such length!" ect... And then after that, it's a free for all. [What seems to go on in the mind of some sisters] Ok, so I can't wear jewelry, and I've got to find something modest- I'll go where the girls from school get their prom dresses, and wear one of those, with something covering my arms for Youth Congress, oh, and I have to get my hair done real fancy...

What if the brothers just wore appropriate, modest, simple, clothing? Ties if they want to, but no crazy patterns and things? Suit jackets if they want, but no zoot suits? What if the sisters also dressed appropriate, modest and simply, plain colored skirts, blouses and jackets? Why the need for gowns and prom dresses, and hair all fancy? My sister has pictures of her at Youth Congress with a fancy dress and her hair all done up, and as she went further with the LORD those things went away. She wears her hair down or she puts it in a bun, but she doesn't put a million clips in it, or "poof" it all crazy, or make it all extravagant. Why are brothers and sisters going through all this trouble with the way they dress?

Dress appropriate- No suits in 100 degree weather, and no sandals in freezing temperatures.

Dress modest- ladies dress like ladies and men like men, and cover yourselves in such a way that your body won't be lusted after, by any reasonable person (no one can prevent the lust of the pervert...)

Dress simple- put on clean, modest clothing, that will not catch someone's eye or be "loud" or look extravagant

We are the church- we are not the prom, and although we may be the "King's kids" we do not need to dress like royalty to prove it. HIS kids do not dress like Charles and Diana's kids, and we have no need to wear extravagant things- "for let it be the hidden man of the heart"!

-Bro. Alex
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