Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen
Why do you keep on using the phrase, "bring many sons to glory", when to become a son of GOD, one must believe in HIM, as John 1 says. Also, does UR take the position that humans are innately good, because my knowledge of the Bible puts man as innately evil, and therefore finding "gold" in a sinner isn't going to happen, as much as they are beaten up and burned.
-Bro. Alex
You seemed to have taken one point out of context of the whole, UR does not suggest that anyone becomes a son or daughter of God without believing in the work of the Cross.
UR takes the position that all men are contaminated with sin because of the the act of Adam. But we also take the position that just as the action of Adam condemned mankind, the action of Jesus reverses what Adam causes.
You no doubt have no trouble accepting the fact that Adam's one act condemned the whole of mankind, without any act of mankind as a whole. So why is it a stretch for the death of Christ to reconcile all mankind, is not the cure as powerful as the disease? Is not the blood of Christ at least as effective as the sin of Adam?
1 Corinthians 15:22
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.