Originally Posted by bishoph
While I do not know your doctrinal/theological foundation it would appear (from the red bolded portion) that you believe "praying someone through" or praying until they "speak in tongues" is simply for them to receive the "gift of tongues." If your supposition was correct then your point would indeed be valid, however, when most oneness Pentecostals speak of praying someone through, we are speaking of receiving the spirit of Christ (Holy Ghost) which one would have to receive BEFORE he/she could be endowed with the gift of tongues or any other gift of the spirit.
In Acts 2:38 the word used for gift is the Greek dōrea which simply means gift as in a present. The Word used in I Corinthians 12 for the gifts such as healing, tongues etc. is charisma which has a markedly different definition. (Strongs defines it as grace or gifts denoting extraordinary powers, distinguishing certain Christians and enabling them to serve the church of Christ, the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating on their souls by the Holy Spirit)
Incidentally, I do not agree with most of the "professional" Holy Ghost "specialists."
Thank you for an educated response. However, I disagree that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the infilling of Christ. We simply do not have biblical precedence for this. Christ comes into our hearts by faith, not a spiritist environment with the music just right and the hammond playing..."god's not dead" or "I'm a Pentecostal"...lol