Re: Tithing…Is it a command?
Originally Posted by Neck
I agree with much of what you stated. My comments using the terms preached by the church today. Were only used to define my stance on what the meaning of increase is associated with...
Increase is not your income buth the concept of increase on what you have gained.
Thanks for the clarification.
So to your point, when I can show, that I have less in a year, then when I started, there is no tithe to be paid.
Interestingly, most people never give a thought to the fact that employers only retain an employee when the worker's labors gain more than the actual cost of the emplyee's wages. In other words, our labors actually generate more income for the employer than what the employee is handed in a paycheck. If this were not the case, then the emplyee is done away with from the payroll.
You did put forth a solid point of view.
I see giving a tithe or an amount each week as an offering not a tithe.
Even if that measure is equal to 10% of the a person's "check".
Something I find fascinating is the conclusive criticism to which the pro-required-tithing pimps resort. They love concuding that those who disagree with a required, biblical tithe to religious organizations are just greedy, and therefore will allegedly find any foothold they can gain for their cause in order to keep their money.
Well, that may be a legitimate charge when applied against people who are indeed greedy. However, it's an extremist viewpoint when shot from the other side of the boundaries of false teaching against people who simply desire TRUTH as opposed to falsehoods, and is therefore nothing more than an outplay of the accusor's own pharasaical leanings. Such accusors are no better than the priests who were addressed by the prophet Malachi for their robbery of God. In most cases, it's the guilty accusing the innocent.
This all is reminiscent of the roman catholic priests who would go about the countryside, taking from the poor farmers what the priests figured was due from tithes and tribute not paid by the poor. One story involved a priest mercilessly taking the last milk cow from a poor widow's barn, stating that she had not been paying her tithes and offerings as she should.
I'm positive that this same type of foolishness would be going on today if religionists were allowed that kind of authority, considering their words spoken in bold contrast to their own avarice.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.