Bill Clinton against free speech?
Now Bill Clinton is pushing for congress to reinstate the "fairness doctrine"
(I think that's a misnomer but that's what it's called).
It's the rule that required broadcasters to give equal air time to opposing views. The reason why the liberals want to bring this back is the success of talk radio with the conservatives. They want to cram a counter balance to Rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity, etc down our throats.
They aren't content to let market forcess prevail because very few people want to listen to liberal radio. So if the government forces braodcasters to carry these talking heads that can't get airtime based on their on merits I believe that's going aginst free speech.
But........the liberals dominate television news. Katy Couric, MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews. They carry the water for Obama.
But you can rest assured Clinton and others have conservative talk radio in their cross hairs because it gets under their skin. If it means taking down free speech in the process they think it's worth it.