Originally Posted by Neck
Christ was no less God as an infant, in the temple at 12 confounding the priest or when he hung on the cross.
Where do you assume that because I celebrate his birth.
I deny his cup or his resurrection?
Without a birth
That which was laid before the foundations of ther world were laid.
Could not have happened.
God did not place man in the garden as an experiement doomed for failure.
In placing man in the garden he knew if man were to fail he was not going to fail man.
It is the Jehova Witness that reject Christmas.
They do not view Christ as begotten.
They view his flesh as having existed before Bethleham.
His birth was not a beginning of a fleshly robe.
It was a passage.
SOrry to me he was begotten and the word - became flesh.
I already shared with you I do not worship the tree.
Many baptists and most Messianic Jews don't celebrate Christmas just to name a few.
I would have to agree with Ben in that it is what it is and trying to make Christmas something it's not is basically putting lipstick on a pig.
Do I think it is heaven or hell? No! It's simply not the best thing to do. To let a lie live is to be apart of the lie in part.