Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
no one knows the day and the hour but God gave us signs to watch and be ready.All the signs that Jesus gave are here , all together.Israel is God's prophetic clock.
Israel prophetic clock? Where's that in the Bible? Show me the scripture where it says that Israel is a prophetic clock? Who are the Israelis? Show me in the Bible where the Israel, was allowed back into their land without rebuilding their temple? 1948? we are 60 years later, a Biblical generation is only forty years. That's the reason why the book was written 88 reasons that Christ would return in 1988. Tell, me when Jesus said not one jot or tittle shall be removed, why has the Jewish law not been kept for over 2000 years and counting? I think you need to check the Bible, and not the newspapers. Shut of the television, it's messing with your eschatology.
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
Look at what is happening in mid-east.
What's happening in the Middle East? Explain with the Bible what's happening in the Middle East?
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
Iziekel 38 war can start anytime.
What war? 1948, 1967? What war? Explain?
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
Everything is in place.And Israel have only till Jan 20 to strike iran
Strike Iran? With what and who? Do you think America makes troops like we print money?
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
when bush , their true ally , is still in power.Coz of this , i think that scott is right.
Maybe you're Scott
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
It's a bit early than expected , but Bible again says , i am coming , sooner than u expect.
Sooner? Soon, quickley, dear individual, those words were spoken to people who lived 2000 years ago, and they were told the TIME WAS AT HAND.
Your soon, has been 2000 years late. God is not slow with His promises. Like Men are. Read your Bible.
Originally Posted by rajat_mehta09
We must be ready , that's what Yeshua expects us to be.
God bless.
Joelel, nice to have you back buddy.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa