Originally Posted by Falla39
It has been said that the person (playing the the feminine role in a homo-
sexual relationship) and the one receiving AS is the one who most often
gets AIDS! I know of a case many years ago where there was a long battle
in the California courts involving a young boy who the courts ruled in favor
of the homosexual couple. Saying the mother's strict fundamental beliefs
were more dangerous than his father's lifestyle. After the father who was
the one who liked to stay home (effeminate) and be taken care of, died of
AIDS,. The liberal women judges gave guardianship to the partner of the
father after his death from AIDS. This decision was published in PEOPLE
magazine, with full page picture of the boy and his father's partner, who
could have possibly caused his death. Soon after the partner won the case,
he told the teenager that now that his father had died, there really was no
use in him staying there. He no doubt wanted to make a statement for his
If a man engaging in AS can cause a man to die, why couldn't he cause
a woman/wife, to die?? Just a question!
You surprise me..I didn't think you would know this. The problem comes in when there are multiple sex partners. If you are in a monogamous heterosexual relationship and practice good hygiene there is very little chance of AS becoming cancer. More prevalent today is HPV which causes cervical cancer.
Blessings, Rhoni