Originally Posted by Falla39
Bro. Michael Phelps,
I was asking IF OS (as an act that those in same sex relationships) participate
in and also AS (or sodomy). If they are the same acts that men in same
sex relationships participate in. Would they be of the same lustful spirit?
Would it be the acts or the fact that it was being performed with a woman
instead of a man justify it? Is it something that would be pleasing to a HOLY
If a man takes the natural use of the woman, burning in their lust one
toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving
in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Paul said the older women should teach the younger women! And it tells the
older women WHAT to teach the younger. A lot of the church problems would
be solved if there was more fear of the LORD and the Word of God followed
as it instructs. Godly older women teaching younger women as mothers. And
godly older men instructing the younger as fathers.
I am not posting to offend. IF we are really concerned in pleasing GOD and
not ourselves, we will prayerfully consider HIS WORD and SEEK His Face.
Are we worshipping the creature more than the Creator?
Sis Falla,
I appreciate your spirit - you NEVER offend! I hope I didn't offend you with my short question.
THe issue that has been raised here is whether these acts are considered "sodomy" (A word which does not appear in scripture, incidentally), not whether they are healthy and good things in which couples should engage.
I am of the distinct opinion that a married man and his wife (or vice versa, lol) can engage in these particular activites if both consent without committing sin.
It's become very clear that many on this forum have a strong aversion to these activities, and I respect that - however, just because I think it's a bad thing to do doesn't make it sin.
I've heard all the arguments, and if I seem a bit touchy on this subject, there is a reason - I was fired from a position as an associate minister in an Apostolic church because I wouldn't sign a piece of paper stating that I would not only refrain from these activities with my wife, but I would preach and teach against such as an abomination to the Lord.
Well, I refused to sign, and I was shown the door.
Either way, I'm not campaigning for couples to be forced to engage in such activities, but I also get very testy when people try to back their viewpoints such as this with misinterpreted scripture.