Originally Posted by MikeinAR
That's one of the strangest lines of thinking that comes from the NeoCon side of the Republican party. The thought that somehow the Bush administrations rush to war and HORRENDOUS, mistake ridden planning for the war in Iraq, compliments of Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Tommy Frank and signed off by GWB, could have all been fixed by the Congress and media cheering them on is goofy. We never had enough troops on the ground to secure the peace of Iraq. Generals like Erick Shinseki tried to inform them of their errors and they wouldn't relent.
Defend GWB's reasoning and purpose all you want, but please don't blame their ineptness, misguided ideas and bad decisions on anyone but the men in blame.
Then bring on the wisdom of Bill Ayers and his prodigy Barack Obama, maybe the failure of socialism in Europe can be instructive for us.
This country has lost its ability to unite around a common cause, again, had there been unity the war mistakes would have be corrected by now.