Originally Posted by HappyTown
Ron Paul is a true American. One of the very few people who still remembers the Constitution exists. When he said he takes his marching orders from the Constitution, it was music to my ears. If you wonder why I'm voting for Obama instead of McCain, you need only look at how quickly Republicans shunned Ron Paul. You finally had a true Republican running for office and suddenly those who'd claimed to be true Republicans were attacking Ron Paul for being a kook. We quickly found out that the Republican Party is now nothing more than an arm of the Evangelical Right. 8 years and the government got bigger, spending went out of control, our money became even more unsound, interventionism abound, and religious authority became The authority. I wanted my country back, and Ron Paul would have done that. Instead, we got McCain......
Happy Clown, your line of reasoning is a piece of work. That's all I can say.
You are going to vote for Obama, the most liberal guy on the docket because the GOP didn't nominate your guy, the most conservative guy running in the GOP. There is absolutely no way that I can see the connection here. Now if you were voting for the guy RP is endorsing, that makes sense. Support for Bob Barker or whatever his name is, I could understand, he's pretty conservative. But Obama as a result of Paul? I don't get it.
That's like deciding to get married to man because your first wife left you for one.