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Old 10-27-2008, 09:45 PM
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Obama a tool of the Anti-Christ?

This came to me in an email today. Strong Medicine!

In my opinion, this current election is all about the subjugation of the whites in America and will be the death of them by the thousands, perhaps millions. America has totally lost her way. Barry is most assuredly a tool in the hand of the anti-christ movement in this end time era of chaos. He may well be the forerunner of the antichrist as John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in His first advent. Louis Farahkahn thinks Barry is the Messiah! I think not!

Someone has to pave the way for the antichrist, it may well be Barry. His administration will see the revival of the KKK, white supremists, and social chaos will unravel the civil union of this country with the spirit of the anti-christ. WE have not seen chaos like is going to start with a new president, if Barry wins on 11/04/2008. The black horseman of the Apocalypse is about to start his ride through the White House!!!

I personally believe America will not repent nationally and will be lost in the world-wide holocost of the Tribulation. She is no better than any other Gentile pagan nation that has existed before, or since the birth of Christ. Her sins mirror that of Sodom and Gomorrah, for which redemption was never sought, or found; only judgement.

II Chronicles 7:14 is most assuredly a call to God's people (Israel) to pray and seek the face of God in repentance, reconciliation and restoration of their fellowship to God. It is about their renewal of biblical covenantal vows to God, and God's mercy extended to heal the land that God loves...Israel. It is yet to fully happen to their nation.

While this Scripture is written specifically to the people that Solomon represented as their King to God, I believe that it is often used in error for a call to America to repent and serve God. While the fact remains that America surely needs to repent, there is no indication in any biblical prophecy that she actually does. Prophecy does say of Israel, "They will look on Him whom they have pierced," and say, "our God whom we have waited," and "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," etc.

Prophecy shows only one nation to be fully restored in the final hours of the end time...Israel; all others will be destroyed. Pray for the peace of Israel and the salvation of every Jew on the face of the earth. Our only hope as Gentiles is to fully embrace our spiritual father of the faith...Abraham, and rejoice in the God of our New Covenant Salvation; Jesus Christ. Our identity and blessing is tied directly to Christ, the head of the Body of Christ, called the Church. Our hope is that everyone can get fully connected, or re-connected to Christ and be part of the church triumphant, before it is too late. Time is surely running out.

I am deeply moved at the lateness of the hour in God's Eternal timeclock. Our financial disaster in America has sent economic shock waves around the world into every financial sector known. We have set ourselves up as a nation to look for the leadership of the antichrist to solve the world crisis we have created; sadly, we are not looking for the leadership of The Christ. Glen Beck, on Fox News, last Wednesday night said the most shocking thing I have heard recently. He said, "We need to look for some one to come along and tell us what to do. We need to have someone from among us, tell us how to get out of this mess." Amazing! He did not mention the Name of Jesus as being the One to lead us out of the mess we made!

While he was voicing the sentiments of many people in America today, many of whom have seen their retirement funds disappear in this 7 trillion dollar meltdown, there was no indication of any admission to sins and seeking the God of Heaven for mercy and forgiveness. It was all about finding a human answer for human problems, so we all can go on spending more than we make, enjoy economic success in the future, by hocking our future with an even greater burden of debt. Debt is what got this avalanche started and more debt will only add to the severity of this down hill slide to the abyss.

Biblical protractions of this current time frame do not show a world in great blessing, but rather, a world in great distress and chaos. It's beginning has arrived, it will continue to spiral downward, out of control, and we can only hope Jesus comes soon, as we believe and save us from ourselves in the Rapture. For this I truly pray for. "Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

"Oh Church, my beloved Church, thou that quenches the spirit and hinders a sovereign move of God, how oft would I have gathered you unto my sweet presence, but you would have none of it. You were too busy with other things" (A revised version of Matt 23:37 I spoke on last Sunday about God expects a response from us for all of His blessings to us). Something to think about. Maranatha...for Real!
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