I Reneged! Please Forgive Me.
It was accidental, I promise.
However since it's done, I might as well continue. Here's my thoughts the last few days.
I have issues with our current President. However, I think his actions concerning the global financial market meltdown are wise.
This is a FAR CRY from how I looked at it before.
I wasn't wrong then and I'm not wrong now to say,
"Thank you Mr. President, for your decisiveness in a time of crisis."
His actions as of late will prove to be the among the brightest spots of his Administration-- ranking high with his commitment to AIDS research and affordable AIDS treatments for sub-sahara Africa and his "No Child Left Behind Act. I haven't heard anyone else say this yet-- these are my own original musings.
I have been rethinking my support for Sen. Obama.
This is NOT because Sen. McCain is the better candidate in my book, because I'm not sure that he is, honestly.
I am equally unsure as to whether electing Sen. Obama is really in the best interest of our country. I am inclined to say, "No" for moral reasons.
As of right now, I'm inclined to just not vote.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."