Originally Posted by TRFrance
You're kidding right? This must be a joke.
You're moaning and groaning about "Socialism", but you're not bothered by Obama's confirmed Socialist connections in Chicago?
Please. We dont have to re-hash that all over again, since we already discussed it on another thread.... but you've seen the evidence of his membership in the socialistic New Party and his connection to the Socialist Democrats of America (the same evidence you tried hard to minimize and trash when I sent you all those links).
Fact is, Barack Obama will be the most Socialistic minded president we've ever had... and the only US president ever to have been a member of a Socialist party.
So you want him... you got him... but dont complain now about "Socialism".
Originally Posted by jezebelslayer
For the record,
I don't believe Sen. Obama to
BE a Socialist.
Even if he was, the discussion at hand is about how
INSANELY PREPOSTEROUS for this Republican to behave in such a Socialist way.
Even more discouraging is that there does not seem to be too many folks concerned to where this
IS leading the country!
Now that out government, under REPUBLICAN leadership has intruded into the private sector, where is the
pull out plan?
Vaguely reminiscent of another unwise, not thought out, knee jerk intrusion that has cost us billions of dollars and thousands of lives and it still costing us today!
This Bush WILL NEVER learn!
The buck stops with him!