The Reality: Obama Supporters Can't Elucidate Why
If our good friends on the other side of the aisle here on AFF were truly convinced that they had a logical, reasonable, understandable and sensible rationale for their support of Obama we would have seen and heard it by now. The absence of the most ardent supporters of the Obama campaign here on AFF is very telling that when asked numerous times to explain their passionate support of this man for president, the answers never materialized.
The reality is that rather than people supporting McCain because they're AGAINST Obama, Obama supporters are supporting him because they are AGAINST Bush/Cheney, the GOP and they have embraced the biased accounts of the Bush presidency via mainstream media, Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Arianna Huffington and the Daily Kos (Kooks), Sean Penn, Oprah, and the celebrity bunch.
There is a reason why young people tend to support the worst of candidates: McGovern, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, Kerry. Its because they are young, lack wisdom and experience, they are impressionable, they are heavily inflenced by media and celebrities and pop culture, and they often follow the choices of their peers. There is a reason why elders vote differently: they have lived a while and they understand what real life is all about.
The biblical account of Reheboam's disasterous rise to the throune after his father Solomon died is a case in point. Solomon in order to expand and uild his kingdom had laid heavy taxes on the people. When Reheboam became king after his father's death, the elders approached him and encouraged him to lift the tax burden as a gesture of good faith to the nation. The young men counseled Reheboam to do the opposite: raise the taxes and show the nation who is boss. Consequently Reheboam lost the ten northern tribes over it and Israel was never the same.
The lesson? The voices of wisdom typically come from the aged. When you see a bunch of young people gravitating to something and a bunch of elders doing the opposite, it is a safer bet to follow the wisdom of the elders.
The whys of supporting Obama are weak and stylisitc at best. McCain is the safe choice for our next president. If only the young would humble themselves and listen.........................................
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.