Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams
In many places throughout the Bible both Hebrew and Greek words have more than one meaning which would be nonsensical if the same English word was used for each. For example, the word "know" in KJV has two obviously different meanings. When Adam "knew" Eve, it was obviously different from "knowing" the Truth, no? When God "repented of the evil" He was about to do, you surely don't think He was about to engage in Satan's type of evil, do you? If I say the word "jam", am I talking about jelly, improvised music, paper stuck in a copier, or someone in a difficult situation?
Having said that, I haven't studied this issue out completely, so I must go into Berean mode on this one, but I'll get back to you.
No multiple meanings based on context here ...
Elder Blume ... hit this on the nose ....
It's a
myth and you lose credibility keeping this notion.
You either decide to
1. accept forgiveness/remission happen at repentance
2. accept that forgiveness happens when one repents + is baptized
3. accept the first concept #1 and keep baptism as part of your baptismal regenerational model but not to cause forgiveness/remission of sin (as Elder Blume has).
Study it. Of course, doing so would be admitting believing a myth.