In light of the agreement among Oneness powerhouse theologians, like Bernard and Segraves.... and a careful, empirical examination by any objective bible student ... regarding the word aphesis and what it signifies in the the NT ...
Such backwoods theological statements like:
Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams
Here we go. There was a little girl who went out to play in her brand new dress. She saw a mud puddle and thought "Why not?" and jumped right in. She got her dress filthy. Realizing the wrong she had done, she went to her father in tears of true remorse, saying "Daddy please forgive me!"(repentance). Her dad's heart melts and he says "I forgive you."(forgiveness of sin). She is forgiven and won't be punished, but her dress is still filthy and is not presentable. Her dad would still be ashamed of her in public. Her dad then washes the dress with a healthy dose of spray-n-wash(baptism), and the dress comes out sparkling clean(remission of sin). He then plants a device in the dress(Spirit) that sounds an audible and visible alarm whenever she goes near the mud again(power over sin).
Repentance= forgiveness of sin
Water Baptism in Jesus' Name= remission(washing away) of sin
Holy Spirit Baptism= power over sin
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Firstly I have never claimed to be a 3-stepper. Acts 2:38 is the only way for men to be saved since Pentecost.
However Dan is correct sins are forgiven at repentance but not remitted until they are baptized in Jesus Name. My thoughts on this is simple I am a simple person sins were forgiven in the OT but NOT remitted. Man's sins were remitted at Calvary by the blood and through baptism in Jesus Name the penitent recieves that benefit recieved by his shed blood.
Originally Posted by Ron
Jesus talks about fruit or manifestation of our faith in our repentance.
Sins are forgiven at Repentance.
Washed away or remitted in water baptism by immersion in Jesus Name.
That wonderful "New life" of the Holy Ghost is come in at Spirit Baptism.
Have no place in a serious debate on this topic in the ARENA OF SOUND IDEAS