Originally Posted by tstew
PO, I can only imagine facing that situation and having the courage to do what you know is difficult...but right. Doing what is right always pays off at the end. I'm sure that your experience will bring life to many people.
I don't get to personal on forums, but I will say that this particular issue is very passionate for me too. My wife and I lost our only child, and I would do anything to reverse that. It is that experience that I believe makes it difficult for me to look at millions of babies as a number that can be tolerated or trivialized while we spend decades working out the kinks.
It is hard to get personal with it. I wasn't going to say anything, but I didn't want you to think I didn't have something invested on the issue.
When my daughter would cry about it and blame me, I once became so angry and through tears I said, "Have you ever thought about what I went through? How I was alone and no one cared. I delivered you in a hospital - alone. My own sister wouldn't meet me for lunch because she didn't want to be seen with me?"
I have a friend that had 4 abortions before God saved her. She told me that she was walking to the abortion clinic and across the street the "Christians" were holding anti-abortion signs! She told me that spit at them.
I would never, ever hold an anti-abortion sign in the face of a woman going through that trauma. I don't care how many friends she has, she is alone.
When my sister wouldn't meet me, I got in my car touched my stomach and said, "Don't worry, I'll love you."
I'm sorry for you and your wife's loss. I have another friend that has gone through the same. I hope, someday, they will have a child together.