Re: Evangelist Bentley stepping down
[QUOTE=Pro31:28;572275]Were you not around during the LS threads?
Not that I recall, what were those about?
What about the DV ones?
I believe that discernment is important,
It is vital!
but I also think that there are some very 'anti-christ' ways that people think of handling it on here. (such as praying for people's downfall)
I guess that depends on what you mean by "Downfall" do you mean their Exposure? If they show every sign of being contrary to the guidelines for the ministry in the Bible then I have no problem with that. And if they are somehow OF GOD, than it really matters little what or how we pray am I right?
This question is not for OP or EB,
What should I tell the son of this man whose tumors are shrinking everyday?
Why would you have to tell him ANYTHING? Are you involved in his day to day life?
(well I will say this, I am not going to do ANYTHING besides continue to pray for his family and his Dad) What would YOU do?
I don't know because as far as I have seen on this thread and I may have missed something, but who is going after that guy? I thought this was about Todd Bentley.
Tell him that God really didn't preform a miracle in his dad?
Now why would you do something that is so malicious and cruel?
This man should have been dead by the end of summer, he was driving his kids today... God honors the faith-ful
Well actually its not the end of summer yet (not that I am desiring him to succumb to cancer,) but so far if that was the prognosis then I see no miracle here. Now come back six years from now and tell me that and I will be so happy to say Praise God for this mans healing! But to credit it to the ministry of Tod Kick em in the head Bentley is a travesty and actually an insult to the man whose faith may well have enabled him to receive the benefits of Jesus healing power..
P.S. Knowing the goodness that IS in Jesus he may very well have seen how despicably and shabbily this man was treated by that charlatan and healed him out of compassion! Thatt would certainly be in line with the Jesus that I know,.
If the ministry of Gods church is prevented from pointing out the wolves that come in amongst us like the men of the New Testament did than woe is the flock. "Watchman on the wall" was a wonderful message dont lets become "watchmen heads buried in the sand".