Brother under demonic attack
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I don’t post often, but read AFF almost every day, A Lurker some may call me. Anyway, I know some of you personally and have a prayer request that is urgent…
Please pray for my brother, who lives in Lansing Michigan. He has come under spiritual attack. He is not spirit filled, but does believe in God. He lives with his girlfriend, who deals with new age spirituality. I don’t know all the details, but apparently he was attacked this afternoon by a spirit who was talking to him and causing his body to go numb and into collusions. He was very scared and called some family members, who are now with him. He is not one to make stuff up, and is usually very reserved, so I know he is sincere and needs help.
Does anybody know any spirit filled men of God in the Lansing area; I live in Illinois and can not make it there to pray over him. I feel that he needs an elder, who has authority, to lay hands on him and pray.
Please pray, His name is Chris
God Bless,
Always sincere