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Political Talk Political News

View Poll Results: The election is today, who'd you vote president?
Republican (John McCain) 27 61.36%
Democrat (Barack Obama) 9 20.45%
Libertarian (Bob Barr) 3 6.82%
Constitution Party 0 0%
Communist Party USA 1 2.27%
Write-in Ron Paul 4 9.09%
Voters: 44. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-11-2008, 09:18 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Re: August Straw Poll: Your choice today (1 of 6)

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
So do I but WHO?????? Pat Buchanan? Newt Gingrich??? Who is there?
But that again leaves us with a big question, Who does the Republican Party have that could assume the mantel of leadership.
George Allen.

I think that's his name, I'm not sure. The guy who was caught in that ever-so-dreadfully-serious "Macaca scandal." Many had him pegged as serious conservative presidential material.

Fred Thompson was my heartthrob - and then he broke my heart!

I might have voted for Romney, certainly, no let me rephrase that < CERTAINLY> would have prefferred him over McCain, could not abide the Baptist smarmy guy, (Is that terrible, I can't even remember his name right now! THAT'S BAD!)
Huckabee? Yeah, me too. Once I got beyond the "Baptist Preacher Credentials," I found him to be seriously wanting.

The only reason I would NOT have voted Romney would be if I gave in to the Conspiracy theory part of my nature that I try to keep locked up in the dungeon!
I think Romney would make a far better pres than JMcC, HRC, or BHO. But I must confess to retaining some trust issues with him.
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